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Starflower track (2.1km)

One-hour tracking program begins on every 9 pm (for winter season, 8 pm). This program is designed to walk through the dark forest with loving people under starry night.

Old Donggang road(6.4km)

Two and a half hour walk along the same old road that Kim Satgat, Korean poet, used to walk gives you an opportunity to feel the nature and his poetry.

Wantaek Mountain healing trail(3km)

Walking healing forest trail in famous Wantaek Mountain surrounding our resort takes one and a half hour.

Bongrae Mountain Starmaro Observatory road(9.26km)

Bongrae Mountain surrounding our resort along with Wantaek Mountain has a Starmaro observatory on the top. This road is recommended for family and kids seeking the dream of future

Donggang 100 li road(42km)

Observe and learn the history, life, and culture of Donggang 100 li, the source of Hanggang River.
Walking along the betrenched meander spread like folding screens, people learn what is peace, life, and themselves.